Pediatric Dentist in Vineland, NJ: How Long Does Teeth Cleaning Take?

Jun 22, 2023

Pediatric Dentist in Vineland, NJ: How Long Does Teeth Cleaning Take?

Has your child visited their pediatric dentist in Vineland, NJ recently? If not, it's time to schedule a teeth cleaning appointment! Without routine appointments, their risk of tooth decay will increase. 

Unfortunately, about 13.2% of children have untreated cavities. 

How long does teeth cleaning take, and when should you take your child in for their first dental visit? Read on to find out. Prioritize your child's oral health today!

How Long Does Teeth Cleaning Take?

The answer to "how long does teeth cleaning take" can vary between dentists. Typically, a child's teeth cleaning appointment takes 10 to 45 minutes. If there are issues, the appointment might take 60 to 90 minutes.

For example, pediatric dental care can take longer when a child has dental anxiety. Their unwillingness to stay still or behave could cause delays. However, some kids have no issues during dental appointments.

It helps to begin preparing your child from the time of their first dental visit.

With each appointment, they'll become more comfortable sitting in the dentist's chair. They'll know what to expect from cleanings. That familiarity can lead them to realize there's nothing to fear. 

Some appointments require X-rays. Dental X-rays can become time-consuming. If a child doesn't remain still, the process could take longer than expected. 

An experienced Vineland, NJ dentist will know how to put your child at ease. Look for pediatric dentistry teams with years of experience. 

An experienced dentist can explain what they're doing during the appointment. They'll also move at your child's preferred speed. These methods, along with rewarding your child for good behavior, can expedite the appointment. 

When to Visit the Dentist

Experts recommend that parents take their children to their first dental appointment by their first birthday. Otherwise, visit the dentist within six months of your child's first tooth coming in. 

The first appointment allows the dentist to provide information regarding:

  • Teeth
  • Mouth cleaning
  • Baby bottle tooth decay
  • Infant feeding practices
  • Finger-sucking/pacifier habits

It also gives your child a chance to get comfortable visiting the dentist. 

The first appointment will last between 30 and 45 minutes. The dentist will complete an exam of your child's teeth, bite, jaws, and gums. They might give your child a gentle cleaning during this appointment.

Their first dental cleaning will involve removing plaque, stains, and tartar. The dentist will also polish your child's teeth. They'll advise you regarding fluoride, flossing, and brushing at home.

Once your child's baby teeth fall out, they'll need dental X-rays. 

Your child's first dental visit will help them understand what to expect from appointments. They can meet the dentist and become more familiar with cleanings. Otherwise, your child could develop dental anxiety. 

Dental anxiety might keep them from receiving the care they need in the future. 

What to Expect

Remember, it helps to prepare your child for their first dental visit. If they know what to expect, they'll know there's nothing to fear. Fear of the unknown, on the other hand, could trigger anxiety.

Here's what to expect from pediatric dental care.


After checking in with the front desk and filling out paperwork, you and your child will meet the dentist.

The dentist can explain what they intend to do during the appointment. For example, they might only assess and clean your child's teeth. They might recommend X-rays or a fluoride cleaning.

The Exam

During the exam, the dentist will inspect your child's oral soft tissues.

They'll confirm that your child's teeth are developing. They'll also check for abnormalities. During this process, the dentist might use a piece of steel equipment. 

Remind your child that an exam won't hurt.

The dentist might call this process "counting your teeth" for the sake of your child's comfort. 

The Cleaning

Your child's pediatric dentist or hygienist will clean your child's teeth. They'll offer your child their choice of flavored toothpaste. Then, they'll clean your child's teeth using an electric, spinning tooth polisher.

When explaining this process to your child, you can compare it to using an electric toothbrush.

A dental cleaning will remove plaque, bacteria, and tartar from your child's teeth.

When left on and between our teeth, plaque can harden into tartar. Tartar increases our risk of cavities and gum disease. It's important to have tartar professionally cleaned to improve our oral health.

The dentist might finish the appointment with a fluoride treatment. They'll apply the flavored fluoride using a Q-tip.

Finishing Up

At the end of the teeth cleaning appointment, you can talk to the dentist about their findings. If they don't note concerns or cavities, they'll discuss your child's at-home oral care. They can remind your child of the steps they need to follow when brushing and flossing their teeth. 

The dentist might recommend dental sealants during future appointments. Sealants can protect your child's teeth from cavities.


It's important to visit your child's pediatric dentistry clinic every six months. Routine appointments give the dentist a chance to assess your child's oral health. They can recommend dentistry services before serious problems develop.

You might need to visit more often than every six months if your child has specific concerns. 

For example, treatment for tooth decay or gum disease will require multiple treatments.

Scheduling routine dental cleanings will establish a good foundation for your child. They'll recognize the importance of maintaining their oral health at a young age. They can carry on this healthy habit into their adulthood to avoid oral health issues. 

Visit a Pediatric Dentist in Vineland, NJ Today

To recap, how long does teeth cleaning take? Usually, 30 minutes. However, it could take longer if your child doesn't behave or has a cavity.

Make sure to schedule routine visits with your pediatric dentist in Vineland, NY. Routine appointments will ensure your child maintains a healthy smile.

Need to schedule your child's first dental visit? We can't wait to see you.

Contact us now to get started. 

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